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    Hanmin Lee, M.D.
    Professor & Chief, Division of Pediatric Surgery
    Surgeon in Chief, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

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    Shuvo Roy, Ph.D.
    Professor, Department of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences
    Department of Surgery

    Support the Program

    Your gift to the Surgical Innovations Program will accellerate the development of pioneering medical devices to improve patient care.

    Accelerating the translation of pioneering medical devices to improve patient care

    Surgical Innovations is an initiative of the Department of Surgery in partnership with the Department of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences to identify, mentor, and facilitate the translation of novel medical technologies into transformative new devices and treatments to improve human health. Surgeons are natural innovators, constantly faced with opportunities to think creatively and devise new solutions in the operating room. ios 加速器vp



    • Three Surgical Residents Complete UCSF Biodevice Innovation Fellowship
    • Research Team Awarded Grant for Novel Medical Device to Treat Recurrent Stomal Prolapse
    • Pediatric Device Accelerator 2024 competition awardees
    • Nature News Feature: How Artificial Kidneys and Miniaturized Dialysis Could Save Millions of Lives
    • UCSF Surgical Innovations Team Reports Clinical Milestone in Development of Implantable Bioartificial Kidney at Kidney Week 2024
    Read all news »


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